Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Another 14 Days of MCO (Day 28)

14th April 2020, Tuesday

Oh, today is the last day of the second phase MCO. I think five nights in a row I had difficulties falling into sleep including last night, even though I didn't had afternoon nap yesterday. So today I've decided to be active and doing more physical work at home and hopefully by tonight my body will be tired then I can get a good sleep tonight. 

So today I woke up at around 9.00 am. I did my morning exercise and then cooked Asam Laksa Maggie for breakfast. I also did some cleaning after that showered. 

Then mum and I went to Pick n Pay to buy some food. We picked up some ingredients for baking as I'm trying to make a Malay traditional kueh tomorrow, which is called Penyaram.

Someone in our apartment here was generous enough to giveaway fishes to all the residents in the apartment here. So dad went to the hall and brought some home. Thank you to whoever you are. Out of a sudden thought, I wanted to to make fish paste. Yeah, so mum said okay I'll cut and clean the fish for you. So this is my first attempt of doing it.

Step 1: clean the fish

Step 2: fillet out the fish

all the fish fillets

Step 3: scrape out the remaining flesh on the bone

Step 4: scrape out of the flesh from the fillets

done scraping

Step 5: prepare some red onions

Step 6: chop the fish meat together with red onions

Ingredients for mixing the fish paste

Step 7: mix the fish meat with salt, pepper, corn starch and fish sauce

Here's the fish paste and rest it in the fridge

Step 8: prepare eggplant for stuffing

done, stuffed eggplant with fish paste

Lastly, cook the stuffed eggplant with curry

Dinner is served
left: mum's black fungus chicken, right: curry stuffed eggplant and beancurd with fish paste

I think tomorrow I'll edit video of cooking this dish. Okie, that's all for today. As I was blogging this, I yawned a few times (hopefully it's a good sign for tonight's good sleep). Stay safe and stay clean everyone. Another 14 days to go, let's pull this through together.

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